Solid Dish Soap Isn't Just a Sustainable Compromise

Solid Dish Soap Isn't Just a Sustainable Compromise

Posted by Jimmy Gould on

Like any ecologically concerned young person, I am extremely susceptible to any and all sorts of ‘green’ fads. Yes, I realize that bringing my own bags to the grocery store or foregoing a plastic straw are small gestures that do more to simply make me feel better about me than they are actions that actually make a demonstrable impact on the environment. Yet, despite my awareness of this futility, I still carry on doing these things because it's better than not doing anything at all, right? Anyway, this...
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Banish Plastic Bottles From Your Bathroom With These Shampoo And Conditioner Bars

Banish Plastic Bottles From Your Bathroom With These Shampoo And Conditioner Bars

Posted by Jimmy Gould on

Plastic bottles are the scourge of the ocean. By 2050, if humans don't make major changes, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish—it’s a statistic widely quoted in media. Yet even supposedly environmentally-conscious consumers like myself continue to buy personal hygiene products like shampoo and lotion in plastic bottles, because there doesn’t seem to be much of a choice. Outdoor-loving sisters Tessa and Davia Rose-Scheeres, who are 13 and 11 and live in Albany, California, found themselves in...
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6 Reasons Why a Bar Soap is a Better Choice for You

6 Reasons Why a Bar Soap is a Better Choice for You

Posted by Jimmy Gould on

Unknown Facts That Will Change Your Soap Selection Recently, everyone is concerned about how critical washing hands as it is one of the best ways to stay healthy and protect yourself and your family from getting COVID-19. So, this means the soap is one of the necessary things you may always have at home. The two main available soaps are the liquid and bar. Of course, the liquid one may be easier to use and provided with several fancy-scents to...
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Britain Loves A Bar Of Soap

Britain Loves A Bar Of Soap

Posted by Jimmy Gould on

In an effort to reduce plastic usage, UK consumers are turning to good old-fashioned bar soap... The nostalgic, aesthetic and – crucially – environmentally-friendly facets of ‘the rise of bar soap’ seem to resonate strongly with the British public. Liquid soap became popular in the 1990s, but in the year to 14 July 2019, shoppers spent £68.6m on bars of soap, up 4% on the year before. Meanwhile, shower gel is rising at just 1.1%, and liquid soap sales are...
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The Shameful Truth Behind What Happens to all Your Leftover Hotel Toiletries

The Shameful Truth Behind What Happens to all Your Leftover Hotel Toiletries

Posted by Jimmy Gould on

Via The Telegraph By Gavin Haines Every day millions of bars of soap and half-used bottles of shampoo are discarded in hotel shower trays around the world; abandoned by guests who didn’t stay long enough to use them up. Many of these toiletries are scooped up by chambermaids, thrown into bin bags and sent off to landfill sites, which is a disaster for the environment and a social travesty given that many people around the world are going without proper...
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